Monday, July 17, 2023

Migrate Oracle Database to Any Cloud (AWS,Azure,Google,IBM etc ) Using Native Tool - Datagaurd

Oracle Database Migration to Any Cloud (AWS,Azure etc )

 Pre-communication (No-Downtime)

  • Ensure and agreed with plan & cutover window 
  • Ensure all stakeholder should be on same page 
  • Ensure everyone copid in mail and meetings
  • Ensure all issue should be documented database & application wise during iteration/testing
  • Dicussed and aggred who is from available during cutover winodw (application owner,database lead,infa lead etc)   

Pre-Migration Pahse (No-Downtime) 

On Source Database 

  • Delete/Remove all backup tables /unused objects from database with help of application team 
  • Do username & password backup  
  • Get read only access to database server
  • Ensure db_unique_name is the same as the db_name
  • Set and crosscheck all parameter related to dataguard configuration 
  • check remote connectivity is working fine and port should be open at firewall level 
  • check and validate database corruption 
  • prepare & test  shared mout point  (NFS/EFS/S3FS)  
  • Take the database backup including archivelogs and standby control file to create standby database
  • check and backup networkfiles (tnsnames.ora,listiner.ora)
  • check if wallet is configured
  • check if any encryption (TDE )is enables 

Prepare Target envirnoment (No-Downtime) 

  • Install oracle binrary software & Build the target database server 
    • Install Grid software if required 
    • Install Oracle database binary 
  • Configure & enable SSH & SCP (with help of root account - Infra team)
  • Configure and validate all  mount points (database/aplication)
  • Configure and validate same shared  mount points (NFS/EFS/S3FS) in the target server/s.
  • Restore the database backup and configure standby database 
  • Incase ASM add spfile to grid software using srvctl 
  • Validate remote database connctivity  
  • Setup dataguard replication  from primary (source) to standby (target) database 

Migration pahse (Downtime start)

  • check and validate primary and standby database in sync and no GAP 
  • Stop Application associated database 
  • create test user/test tablespace and test table on primary database 
  • Do 4-5 archive log switch on primary (source) database .
  • Again check  and validate primary and standby database in sync and no GAP
  • Check active database sessions in primary (source)  database. if still acitve after stopping the application ,  kill those users  
  • Create a guaranteed flashback restore point - for this enough FRA space should be available 
  • Multiple way to do 
    • Using manual swithover 
    • Using DGMGRL ( need to configure DGMGRL )
    • Using manual Failover (No rollback in this case) 
  • Validate the migated database
  • Setup & validate connection with application  
  • Configure & update on premise DNS with new IP address (target) and create load balancer rules (if using)
  • Handover to application team for validation 

Post Migration phase (No-downtime) 

  • Take golden database backup after successful migration 
  • Configure & schedule  database jobs 
  • Configure & setup database monitoring

Rollback Phase 

  • Stop the application on target database 
  • Rollback the database using restore point (source database)
  • Update the DNS with old entry for rollback (if required)
  • Start and validate the database 
  • Connect with database & start the application 


High Level Oracle Database Migration Plan – Datapump

 Pre-Migration Phase: No Downtime

  • Review the Source database configuration
  • Build target environment in AWS Cloud
  • Prepare target database 

 Migration Phase (cutover) : Downtime

  • Source database backup 
  • Transfer the backup to target
  • Import backup in target database
  • Validate the migrated database


Post-Migration Phase : Downtime

  • Handover database to application team
  • Application team start validation
  • Decide Go-Live /No Go-Live
  • Target database golden backup
  • Release database and application


Note : Normally good for small database 

High Level Maria DB Migration Plan

Pre-migration Phase (No -downtime)

  • Validate source and target database versions and engines.
  • Identify hardware requirements for the target server instance.
  • Identify storage requirements (storage type and capacity).
  • Choose the proper instance type based on capacity, storage features, and network features.
  • Identify the network access security requirements (firewall, port etc. ) for source and target databases.
  • Prepare target database
  • Configure and start an Amazon RDS DB instance running MariaDB.


Migration Phase (downtime)

  • Using native tools to migrate database objects and data.
  • In the source database, use mysqldump or mariadb-dump to create an output file that contains database objects and data.
  • Transfer the backup to target (AWS RDS)
  • In the target database, use mysql or mariadb to restore the data.
  • Validate the migrated database.

 Post-migration Phase (downtime)

  • Handover database to application team
  • Switch the application clients over to the new migration database in AWS RDS .
  • Application team start validation
  • Decide Go-Live /No Go-Live
  • Target database golden backup
  • Release database and application

Rollback Plan 

  • Start source database (Assume no data chnage on target database  after migration)
  • Connect & validate Application with source database 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

What Is a RACI Matrix ?

What Is a RACI Matrix ?

RACI matirix is very important when we are working on project  and this helps to align  who is reposible for what .

Like who will take decision , who will resposible for technical task , what resposiblity of cutomer and what information needs to share with custmers etc . 

R  => (Responsible)  : This member is resposible to taks done ---- like create infrastructure goes to infra team - Person1 ,Person2

A  => (Accountable) : This member is taking decision and ensure everythig is aligned and meet all standards ----which tool going to use for database assessment goes to db team -  Person2,Person1

C  => (Consulted) : Share the outcome and should be meet all criteria with input & feedback to improve the business process  - Person 3

I  = > (Informed) : Any other team ,team memebers, stakeholder who needs to informed about project status,progress ,blockers  etc -  Person 4 , Person 5