Sunday, July 16, 2023

What Is a RACI Matrix ?

What Is a RACI Matrix ?

RACI matirix is very important when we are working on project  and this helps to align  who is reposible for what .

Like who will take decision , who will resposible for technical task , what resposiblity of cutomer and what information needs to share with custmers etc . 

R  => (Responsible)  : This member is resposible to taks done ---- like create infrastructure goes to infra team - Person1 ,Person2

A  => (Accountable) : This member is taking decision and ensure everythig is aligned and meet all standards ----which tool going to use for database assessment goes to db team -  Person2,Person1

C  => (Consulted) : Share the outcome and should be meet all criteria with input & feedback to improve the business process  - Person 3

I  = > (Informed) : Any other team ,team memebers, stakeholder who needs to informed about project status,progress ,blockers  etc -  Person 4 , Person 5

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