Goldengate Installation on Linux
Goldengate Software version: 19c
Database version: 12c
Download Goldengate software
check certification matrix before install
unzip Goldengate software
We have to create a folder as below for installation
create directory
mkdir ogg
mkdir ogg123_ma ///OGG Home
mkdir ogg123_sm /////Service Manager Home
mkdir ogg123_deploy ////Deploymwent home
prepare a database for golden gate
Enable supplemental logging
SQL> alter database add supplemental log data;
Database altered.
Enable Force Logging
SQL> alter database force logging;
Database altered.
Enable Goldengate replication
SQL> show parameter enable_gol
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
enable_goldengate_replication boolean FALSE
SQL> alter system set enable_goldengate_replication=TRUE scope=both;
System altered.
Enable Archivelog
SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1442840576 bytes
Fixed Size 8620752 bytes
Variable Size 486540592 bytes
Database Buffers 939524096 bytes
Redo Buffers 8155136 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> alter database archivelog;
Database altered.
SQL> alter database open;
Database altered.
SQL> select SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_MIN,FORCE_LOGGING,log_mode ,cdb from v$database;
-------- --------------------------------------- ------------ ---
Create Goldengate user and assign privilege
create user ggadmin identified by ggadmin ;
exec dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege('ggadmin');
exec dbms_streams_auth.grant_admin_privilege('ggadmin');
grant insert on system.logmnr_restart_ckpt$ to ggadmin;
grant update on streams$_capture_process to ggadmin;
grant become user to ggadmin;
grant create session,connect,resource,alter system to ggadmin;
grant select any table to ggadmin;
grant connect, resource to ggadmin;
grant select any dictionary, select any table to ggadmin;
grant create table to ggadmin;
grant flashback any table to ggadmin;
grant execute on dbms_flashback to ggadmin;
grant execute on utl_file to ggadmin;
grant create any table to ggadmin;
grant insert any table to ggadmin;
grant update any table to ggadmin;
grant delete any table to ggadmin;
grant drop any table to ggadmin;
grant alter any table to ggadmin;
grant alter system to ggadmin;
grant lock any table to ggadmin;
grant select any transaction to ggadmin;
alter user ggadmin quota unlimited on users;
alter user ggadmin quota unlimited on users;
exec dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege('ggadmin','*', grant_optional_privileges=>'*');
grant select on "_dba_apply_progress" to ggadmin;
grant select any dictionary to ggadmin;
Do entry in /etc/hosts file ggnode1.localdomain ggnode1 ggnode2.localdomain ggnode2