Monday, October 5, 2020

Oracle 19c installation on RHEL 8.1 ----- [INS-08101] Unexpected error "SupportedOSCheck" Error


While installing oracle 19c on RHEL 8.1  , if you experiencing error as below after executing runInstaller

for solution you have to export below parameter on terminal 


Hope this will help 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Getting error while starting VirtualBox- Driver is probably stuck stopping/starting. Try 'sc.exe query vboxdrv'

Driver is probably stuck stopping/starting. Try 'sc.exe query vboxdrv' to get more information about its state. Rebooting may actually help.

go to below location

C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\drivers\vboxdrv


click on install and start the machine .

This work in my case

Monday, June 22, 2020

Goldengate 19c micro-service Installation on linux

Goldengate Installation on Linux

Goldengate Software version: 19c
Database version: 12c

Download Goldengate software  
check certification matrix before install

unzip Goldengate software 

We have to create a folder as below for installation

create directory
mkdir ogg
mkdir ogg123_ma    ///OGG Home
mkdir ogg123_sm   /////Service Manager Home
mkdir ogg123_deploy  ////Deploymwent home

prepare a database for golden gate 

Enable supplemental logging

SQL> alter database add supplemental log data;

Database altered.

Enable Force Logging

SQL> alter database force logging;

Database altered.

Enable Goldengate replication

SQL> show parameter enable_gol

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
enable_goldengate_replication        boolean     FALSE
SQL> alter system set enable_goldengate_replication=TRUE scope=both;

System altered.

Enable Archivelog

SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1442840576 bytes
Fixed Size                  8620752 bytes
Variable Size             486540592 bytes
Database Buffers          939524096 bytes
Redo Buffers                8155136 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> alter database archivelog;

Database altered.

SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.

SQL>  select SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_MIN,FORCE_LOGGING,log_mode ,cdb from v$database;

SUPPLEME FORCE_LOGGING                           LOG_MODE     CDB
-------- --------------------------------------- ------------ ---
YES      YES                                     ARCHIVELOG   NO


Create Goldengate user and assign privilege

create user ggadmin identified by ggadmin ;

exec dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege('ggadmin');
exec dbms_streams_auth.grant_admin_privilege('ggadmin');
grant insert on system.logmnr_restart_ckpt$ to ggadmin;
grant update on streams$_capture_process to ggadmin;
grant become user to ggadmin;
grant create session,connect,resource,alter system  to ggadmin;
grant select any table to ggadmin;
grant connect, resource to ggadmin;
grant select any dictionary, select any table to ggadmin;
grant create table to ggadmin;
grant flashback any table to ggadmin;
grant execute on dbms_flashback to ggadmin;
grant execute on utl_file to ggadmin;
grant create any table to ggadmin;
grant insert any table to ggadmin;
grant update any table to ggadmin;
grant delete any table to ggadmin;
grant drop any table to ggadmin;
grant alter any table to ggadmin;
grant alter system to ggadmin;
grant lock any table to ggadmin;
grant select any transaction to ggadmin;
alter user ggadmin quota unlimited on users;
alter user ggadmin quota unlimited on users;
exec dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege('ggadmin','*', grant_optional_privileges=>'*');
grant select on "_dba_apply_progress" to ggadmin;
grant select any dictionary to ggadmin;

Do entry in /etc/hosts file         ggnode1.localdomain ggnode1 ggnode2.localdomain ggnode2